12 Percent Beer Project

North Haven, CT || 12percentimports.com

I swear, 12% Imports is like a top secret beverage bunker. There’s no real information on the internet that specifically spells out what they do, but from my google-fu skills, I can glean that they’re both a distributor AND a contract brewery.

But why the secrecy?

Maybe they aren’t even really keeping anything a secret, they’re just busy importing beers from all over the world that were previously impossible to obtain and drink outside of paying a beer trader five times the price and running the risk of receiving broken beers. So I’m going to go with that idea, because secrets in craft beer, outside of recipes and tricks of the trade, are NOT things we want to encourage.

Sorry for the word puke, but seriously, look at this list of breweries that 12% shares with us:

If you’re insulted by that list of flavor, join the club.